G'im's Improv Land


Welcome to Jerry!

In the beginning, there was zero, and there was one. Then there were more.

Jerry is the embodiment of 2, the ironic duality that is binary. It is the boundless land of one insane imagination.

"It is said that the Future and the Creation were spawned simultaneously. Even now, at the dawn of the True Age, we are discovering that we have known little of the History of Jerry. And it is only now that we are reconciling our History, our Future and the coming True Age; and it is only now that we can finally make some sense of what we are, and what we have been."
 - Iin Dorhlei, The True Age Is Upon Us
 "The War has past; the Control has lost its power. And now we stand united within a World of unending awe and infinite possibility; a World we have been taught to deny for longer than History records.
 - Kah'luo Ptzuoroiah, Denied Paradise

The True Age Dawns
(Date AD Version;22.'.'.09)

The infinite transcends further than most dare imagine, even to the extent that a World is created both all at once and over time, and never in the order one expects. And in the spaces between, where the Undefined is truly at its most mysterious, is where the wonder lies, and where Life truly takes place.

And so it is with the World of Jerry; the True Age begins, at the conclusion of a war of epic proportions--a war to regain freedom, stolen long ago by the Control.

Before you are some of the scraps retrieved from the Control's Grand Archive. And also records of the events as they unravel in this New World. And yet neither is the past, nor the present or the future. All is, yet where and what it is still remains the greatest mystery.

An EGA pallette offers more than many would expect. What is stormed is only as important as the eternity that has not yet been.

The Ni'la'ru were victorious. The Watch Platform was now the centre of all activity, as all remaining forces were evacuated through the Qui'ah, amidst deimplosions of Control platforms in the distance,
Should the Qui'ah remain active during the Universe's implosion, a chain reaction would be inevitable--all matter in the connected Universe would be funneled through.

The central point of the Ni'lah'ru civilisation--a holographic dome amidst a vacuum of nothingness. In it, the Fleet, awaiting the final moment, beckoning the coming of a new Age. Should this one Qui'ah remain linked to the Control's Universe, the Ni'lah'ru Multiverse would be doomed.

The following moments were as an eternity. The Ni'lah'ru, now aware of G'im's ways, heeded this--something grand was about to arrive.