JimSoft Insanitarium -> Living the Lunacy -> Grocery Shopping
By Tobes, Nomad, Lemur and CrazyJim

This common activity offers so many outlets for the hard-core lunatic.

Ride the conveyor belt at the checkout.
Shave in the personal hygiene aisles. If anybody spots you, look at them for a moment, then yell, "What are you doing in my bathroom!?"
Hold parties in the snack food aisles.
Ask someone "Where are the assholes?" Wait for them to go "Huh?" Then say "I said, where are the aerosols?"
Pay for everything in 5c coins.
Return stuff and demand the refund in 5c coins.
Ask for the keys to the deluxe products section.
Taste test everything.
Staple dockets to your scalp, walk in and declare, "I'd like to return these."
Eat the peanuts. Then eat more of them. Then, walk past again, and eat more of them. Then eat more of the peanuts.
Grind trolleys in the frozen foods section.
Toast a few marshmallows over a campfire in the confectionary isle.
Bring your own alcohol.
Say "Where are the prawnoes?" and point at the magazine section with one hand, and the seafood section with the other.
Insist you are able to purchase half an apple.
Buy a rope, a heavy bag of something, and a beanie. Announce, "I am practising for the army."
Walk through the checkout with a sleeping bag, and turn it inside out to prove that nothing is in it.
Ask where the changing rooms are.
Find a trolley with stuff in it, and take it through the checkout, buying all the items.
Walk away from the store with those items and return in five minutes, insisting on a refund.
Ask where they keep the chandeliers.
Hop into someone else's trolley and demand a ride.
Buy a dog leash and a bread roll. Walk the bread roll with the dog leash.
Buy some soap, and ask "Does this make REAL soup?"
Take as many layers off a lettuce as you can, leaving them on the floor. Take your golf ball-sized lettuce to the checkout.
Go crowd surfing in the checkouts.
Bring a beach ball... walk into an aisle... throw the beach ball into another aisle... leave...
Cover yourself in oil, then run really fast and slide down an isle. Repeat if necessary.
Use the PA to ask for someone from the condom section to help with a fitting.
Walk into the checkout from the wrong direction. Buy something. Then continue walking into the store.
Bring items from home. Set them up in bare sections of the aisles... put prices on them.
Demand MacGuyver on DVD.
Ask the operator for recipies.
Count "Beep 1", "Beep 2", "Beep 3", etc as items go through.
Loose count and demand all items be rescanned.
Insist the operator's name is not what is written on their name tag--their name is FRANK!
Set up a fold-out chair and sit on it.
Take a Star Trek figurine and put in over the laser scanner. Complain that the store's tractor beam isn’t working.
Set up some cereal boxes and a fold-out chair. Sit on the fold-out chair and watch the cereal.
Set up a fold-out chair and watch the soaps.
Set up the soaps and watch the fold-out chairs.
Invite the cashiers to a party in the pet food aisle.
Slap people and say "I saw you looking at my Girlfriend!" and point at a stand of orange juice.
Slap people and say "I saw you looking at my orange juice!" and point at your girlfriend, or just some random person nearby.
Buy 19 bottles of metho', 6 lemons, 2 boxes of matches, a few lighter refills, and a clock that ticks loudly.
Buy some VCR tapes and exclaim loudly "These are so I can tape porn!"
Come in naked, except for a cardboard sign saying "The End is Nigh". If anyone says anything to you, say "I've been trapped here for 28 years."
Bring a carton of eggs to the counter and say "I just can't STAND these eggs!" when the employee asks why, take one out and try to stand it on it's pointy end.
Arrange another seven people to come to the supermarket with you. Grab a lolly pop each. Take a checkout each. Repeat several times until everyone runs out of money.
Attach a doorbell to the milk fridge.
Go doorknocking on the milk fridge.
When you come to the counter, stand there heaving as if you've just ran marathon. If the employee says anything, cough on them as loud as you can.
Sprawl yourself out on the conveyor belt, balancing products in your mouth.
Say you shopped here twice last year and demand a line of credit.
Say you will shop there twice this year and demand a line of debit.
Beat your fists against a fire escape, screaming "GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY!"
Hop into a freezer and sit there for a while. If anyone asks you what you are doing say "Woah... this isn't my boat..." and walk away casually.
Applaud loudly when the cashier makes a mistake.
Applaud loudly if the cashier is wearing clothes. Do not tell them why you are applauding.
Put a sticker on the cashier's shirt, and tell them that they've been very good.
Put a sticker on the cashier's face, and tell them that you've been very good.
Put a stick on your own face, and have a seizure.
Drag in a phone booth. Set up a folding chair in the phone booth. Sit on the chair and stare directly in front of you. Every now and then, spasm.
Start a brawl in a phone booth.
Yell, "SPASM!" and push an aisle over.
If the aisle doesn't fall, yell "SPASM!" and casually pick up each item on the shelves and place it on the floor.
Yell, "SPASM!" and push a senior citizen over.
Demand to see the manager. When he shows up laugh heartily and say, “Thanks.”
Ask 'Who's in charge here!?' When answered, lose interest and buy some chocolate.
Walk in with a set of steak knives, a massage machine, and an abdominal workout kit. Set yourself up inside a cardboard box with a window in it. Perform telemarketing commercials.
Occasionally, bring in members of the audience and other products.
Try to sell members of the audience.
Accuse members of the audience of stealing your gig.
Demand a free steak knife with every purchase.
Buy a chicken and an egg and say, "There's more where that came from."
Make the cashier cry.
Ask, "What's the going price of tap water these days?"
Cry. Insist the cashier said mean things. Talk to a sauce bottle about it.
Buy items, and when you have to pay, say, "Sorry, I can't speak English."
Carry on a conversation with the cashier, and when it comes time to pay say, "Es tut mir furchtbar leid. Ich kann nicht sprechen auf deutsch." Walk off with your groceries.
Explain why you are buying each item.
Complain that their Blu-Tack is too tacky.
Complain that their Blu-Tac is too red.
Bring a laptop into the store. Catalogue all their products.
Bring a mobile phone. Get stuck in the entry to the store... call 000/911.
Walk in with some blank tapes that you've bought and ask where the return slot is.
Glue video tapes to your shoulder. Insist you are 'Tape Man'.
Ask someone where you can download the cereal.
If a cashier makes a mistake and apologises, jokingly refuse to forgive them. Take it beyond a joke and start hitting them with coleslaw.
Run laps of an isle until someone starts chasing you. Then stop. When they grab you, cry, "Beam me up, Scotty!"
Buy a can of creamed corn. When they're about to scan it, say "Woah, you walked right into that one.. I wasn't actually going to buy it or anything..."
Call and reserve aisles before coming to the store.
Walk backwards everywhere, if anyone asks you why you are walking backwards say, "Why do you walk forwards?"
Test the toilet paper.
Taste-test the toilet paper.
Talk like a lost old lady to the cashiers. Insist they are your long-lost grandson from Germany.
Put on an acubra hat, and approach a large crowd. Say "Attention! The tour will commence now. Will you all follow me."
Put on an acubra hat. Approach a large crowd. Say "Attention! The tour will commence now. Will you all follow him." and point at a random nearby person.
Drive a tour bus full of people to the supermarket and give them a tour of the cold meat department.
Poke the meat with toothpicks you picked up from another aisle.
Say that you're trying to start a Jamaican bob-sled team and you need funding.
Scream “There’s a bomb on this shopping trolley” and don’t let anyone stop you pushing it at full speed.
Go up to the deli attendant and ask her about her breasts, if she gets narky say “Well, I’ll go buy my chicken parts elsewhere then”

Happy hunting...

2003 JimSoft