JimSoft Insanitarium -> Insane Stories -> Funky Bob Brown Pants
By Lemur

Funky Bob was hip man. Funky Bob knew all the tricks to get the ladies. Funky Bob was rich, rich as Microsoft. But funky Bob had one weakness, one fatal flaw that would be his end.., and it was. Since Funky Bob died last winter during the colder months of winter being cold and all he is now deceased. So that is why he is no longer interesting to anyone but that guy from Seinfeld who used to blow things up and shoot people.

This story is about a man whose name is easy to type, its easier that way. Pit was an attractive young Labrador; she frolicked about freely until she found a Bright Orange man making love to a camel. She stopped, stole a gram of cocaine that was lying near the camel and departed on a wonderful trip. As she inhaled that sweet scent, took that wonderful flight and came down gracefully at the other end she knew going to Denmark to see tulips was the best thing she had ever done. Using a cunning plan of taping the cocaine to her forehead and taking her top off, she distracted the other dope sniffing Labradors quite easily.

Pit slowly frolicks about Denmark as anyone would do, until…. (insert dramatic music here, substitute dramatic music for recording of ride on tractor running rake and seven chickens if desired) she decided not to frolick any longer and find a new way home. She thought about catching a bus, but decided it could be a bit heavy! (ba doom chich) she even thought about cathing a train, but she thought that would be a bit heavy too! (Ba duuuuhhhhhh). She also had the option of catching an ocean liner, but she was sure that was far too heavy!! (Ba Bitchslap, Punch, Kick, Nutcrack, Ouch) So she decided to catch a plane, because it was a fast economical way to travel. (Cowers in fear) And while that was happening, something completely different was occurring on the top of a hill where two old farmers appeared to be talking in slang acronymic terms about a tractor.

Farmer One:
Ooooh, shes a fit bird that shifty shaft.

Farmer Two:
Aye, that one will pull the lyrebird out of your hammock, but don't expect it to suck the marmelade like they did in the old days.

Nooo, But she's got the insurance to make the custard go milky, it'd pull the cods off a 4 foot Labrador that would. Don't expect it to suck your kneecaps, but it flies like a chicken and pulls the mustard. Pangs like a goat in a whorehouse.





You wanna blow me weasel?




And as farmer one winked knowing, he spat the hay from his mouth, wiped the dirt from his hands and got up to acts so indescribable that if I described them my head would implode and my legs would spasm wildly into the computer desk waking up several people and ensuring I'd never get a hot breakfast ever again this week until next Sunday. Now if you want to know that the farms were doing please function your box thinger to www.jimsoft.net/newhardcordfarmsexpicturesthatwillrotyourmindandmakeyourecoilinfear/ I am sure that sub domain is so there already, after all its quite common. If you don't believe me I defy you to make love to fifteen chickens, send $62,000 in unmarked $5 bills to the RSPCA or your local KFC, then go and say "Hello Joe, Sucky Two Dolla" to the most horniest little computer nerd in the world who has $2. Be warned, finding a geek with $2 is hard, finding a geek that is Horny is not. And according to this story all farmers are gay. Lets just leave it at that should we? Aye.

© 2003 JimSoft